Sunday, September 30, 2012

Fashion horoscope - Part 3


Sagittarius woman loves practical, low maintenance clothes. Legs are symbol for Sagittarius and women born in this sign have beautiful legs, and they should show them off! They love jeans, leather jackets and sunglasses.
Colors: earth tones
Fashion designer born in Aries sign: Alessandro Dell’Acqua
Celebrity born in Aries sign: Scarlett Johansson

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Fashion horoscope - Part 2

Hi girls,

Here is the second part of the Fashion horoscope, one more to go:)


They love bold and dramatic clothes, animal print and fake fur. They don't like comfy jumpers and sensible shoes. Leo woman usually has blonde hair, and wears a lot of gold accessories. They love fashion, and usually adore one or two fashion designers.
Colors: gold, black and red.
Fashion designer born in Aries sign: Yves Saint Laurent
Celebrity born in Aries sign: Madonna

Friday, September 7, 2012

Fashion horoscope - Part 1

Hi beauties!

I'm wondering can you guess a girl's sign just by her fashion choices?

I was walking down the street this morning and I was blinded for a second! There was a girl, at seven o'clock AM with a couple of gold accessories... well, not a couple, but a couple of hundred gold accessories! With her hair do, like she came from an old music video, I almost imediatelly thought she was a Lion. Every Lion woman loves to be in the center of attention, and you can notice her by looking at her clothes. Is it true? Do you recognize yourself in your sign description?


They look best in bold colors, sharp cuts, well tailored clothes. Head is symbol for Aries, and because of that, they love hair accessories. You can recognize them by hats, short hair or red hair. They often love to show their beautiful legs.
Colors: red and white.
Fashion designer born in Aries sign: Vivienne Westwood.
Celebrity born in Aries sign: Victoria Beckham